Masters’ Union

Samara Chopra's workshop

Samara Chopra's workshop was a dynamic exploration of movement, emphasising the art of weight-sharing and partner activities. Participants were encouraged to understand how the subtle shifts of weight between individuals could create mesmerising choreography. Samara guided us in crafting our unique sequences, which we later merged into fluid combinations. The workshop's core focus was connecting these distinct movements seamlessly, allowing us to grasp the essential transitions that knit dance together. It was an immersive experience that unravelled the magic of choreographic storytelling, demonstrating the intricate connections between one movement and the next, fostering a deeper appreciation for the language of dance.

Samara Chopra's workshop

Samara Chopra's workshop was a dynamic exploration of movement, emphasising the art of weight-sharing and partner activities. Participants were encouraged to understand how the subtle shifts of weight between individuals could create mesmerising choreography. Samara guided us in crafting our unique sequences, which we later merged into fluid combinations. The workshop's core focus was connecting these distinct movements seamlessly, allowing us to grasp the essential transitions that knit dance together. It was an immersive experience that unravelled the magic of choreographic storytelling, demonstrating the intricate connections between one movement and the next, fostering a deeper appreciation for the language of dance.