Masters’ Union

Roghan, Soma, and Hitesh

Roghan, Soma, and Hitesh participated in the "Minute to Pitch" competition hosted by Malaviya National Institute of Technology, achieving an impressive 3rd position and winning a cash prize of Rs 10,000. The competition comprised three challenging rounds. In the first round, participants were required to submit a business canvas model. The second round involved delivering an elevator pitch, and the third and final round featured a 5-minute presentation.

During the competition, they presented their startup, 'Xads,' a platform designed to connect businesses with media owners as an aggregator. Furthermore, Xads provides valuable support to business owners by supplying data on footfall and retention rates, gathered through sensors placed on banners. This data aids in making informed decisions about location choices.

Roghan, Soma, and Hitesh

Roghan, Soma, and Hitesh participated in the "Minute to Pitch" competition hosted by Malaviya National Institute of Technology, achieving an impressive 3rd position and winning a cash prize of Rs 10,000. The competition comprised three challenging rounds. In the first round, participants were required to submit a business canvas model. The second round involved delivering an elevator pitch, and the third and final round featured a 5-minute presentation.

During the competition, they presented their startup, 'Xads,' a platform designed to connect businesses with media owners as an aggregator. Furthermore, Xads provides valuable support to business owners by supplying data on footfall and retention rates, gathered through sensors placed on banners. This data aids in making informed decisions about location choices.