Masters’ Union

Pranav Pawar

I help people be curious and knowledgeable in their life. In my life, I follow 2Cs. They have led me to where I am today and that’s what I am going to cover today in this newsletter.


First C: Curiosity - I spent my free time in 2020 researching a variety of topics online. I met like-minded people on Twitter after I joined, including talented founders, project developers, and content creators. Curiosity has also helped me make projects and proof of work that later on helped me get multiple opportunities.


Second C: Content - I have my YouTube channel called ‘An Inquisitive Storyteller’( and a newsletter called ‘The Diary of An Inquisitive Kid ( where I share my learnings and document my journey and build my projects. I was able to get internships in startups like Thousand Faces Club, Build Academy and Fueler where I helped them grow their social media, content and videos.

Pranav Pawar

I help people be curious and knowledgeable in their life. In my life, I follow 2Cs. They have led me to where I am today and that’s what I am going to cover today in this newsletter.


First C: Curiosity - I spent my free time in 2020 researching a variety of topics online. I met like-minded people on Twitter after I joined, including talented founders, project developers, and content creators. Curiosity has also helped me make projects and proof of work that later on helped me get multiple opportunities.


Second C: Content - I have my YouTube channel called ‘An Inquisitive Storyteller’( and a newsletter called ‘The Diary of An Inquisitive Kid ( where I share my learnings and document my journey and build my projects. I was able to get internships in startups like Thousand Faces Club, Build Academy and Fueler where I helped them grow their social media, content and videos.