Masters’ Union

Guitar Workshop Highlights

On November 19th, Ankit Tyagi hosted a guitar workshop. Learning the guitar is a dream for many because there's something truly special about this instrument. Enthusiastic learners came together that day to start with the basics. The instructor, a singer-songwriter experienced in collaborating with music producers and currently engaged with gaming companies, led the session.

The workshop began by understanding the different parts of the guitar, then progressed to learning notes and mastering fundamental chords. The session wrapped up with an exciting jamming session, where everyone improvised and played along with various songs.

Guitar Workshop Highlights

On November 19th, Ankit Tyagi hosted a guitar workshop. Learning the guitar is a dream for many because there's something truly special about this instrument. Enthusiastic learners came together that day to start with the basics. The instructor, a singer-songwriter experienced in collaborating with music producers and currently engaged with gaming companies, led the session.

The workshop began by understanding the different parts of the guitar, then progressed to learning notes and mastering fundamental chords. The session wrapped up with an exciting jamming session, where everyone improvised and played along with various songs.